9 research outputs found

    FORETELL: Aggregating Distributed, Heterogeneous Information from Diverse Sources Using Market-based Techniques

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    Predicting the outcome of uncertain events that will happen in the future is a frequently indulged task by humans while making critical decisions. The process underlying this prediction and decision making is called information aggregation, which deals with collating the opinions of different people, over time, about the future event’s possible outcome. The information aggregation problem is non-trivial as the information related to future events is distributed spatially and temporally, the information gets changed dynamically as related events happen, and, finally, people’s opinions about events’ outcomes depends on the information they have access to and the mechanism they use to form opinions from that information. This thesis addresses the problem of distributed information aggregation by building computational models and algorithms for different aspects of information aggregation so that the most likely outcome of future events can be predicted with utmost accuracy. We have employed a commonly used market-based framework called a prediction market to formally analyze the process of information aggregation. The behavior of humans performing information aggregation within a prediction market is implemented using software agents which employ sophisticated algorithms to perform complex calculations on behalf of the humans, to aggregate information efficiently. We have considered five different yet crucial problems related to information aggregation, which include: (i) the effect of variations in the parameters of the information being aggregated, such as its reliability, availability, accessibility, etc., on the predicted outcome of the event, (ii) improving the prediction accuracy by having each human (software-agent) build a more accurate model of other humans’ behavior in the prediction market, (iii) identifying how various market parameters effect its dynamics and accuracy, (iv) applying information aggregation to the domain of distributed sensor information fusion, and, (v) aggregating information on an event while considering dissimilar, but closely-related events in different prediction markets. We have verified all of our proposed techniques through analytical results and experiments while using commercially available data from real prediction markets within a simulated, multi-agent based prediction market. Our results show that our proposed techniques for information aggregation perform more efficiently or comparably with existing techniques for information aggregation using prediction markets

    A Multi-Agent Prediction Market Based on Boolean Network Evolution

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    —Prediction markets have been shown to be a useful tool in forecasting the outcome of future events by aggregating public opinion about the events’ outcome. Previous research on prediction markets has mostly analyzed the prediction markets by building complex analytical models. In this paper, we posit that simpler yet powerful Boolean rules can be used to adequately describe the operations of a prediction market. We have used a multi-agent based prediction market where Boolean network based rules are used to capture the evolution of the beliefs of the market’s participants, as well as to aggregate the prices in the market. We show that despite the simplification of the traders’ beliefs in the prediction market into Boolean states, the aggregated market price calculated using our BN model is strongly correlated with the price calculated by a commonly used aggregation strategy in existing prediction markets called the Logarithmic Market Scoring Rule (LMSR). We also empirically show that our Boolean network-based prediction market can stabilize market prices under the presence of untruthful belief revelation by the traders

    A Novel Distributed Prediction Market Model and Algorithm for Forecasting Outcomes of Related Events

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    In this research we consider the problem of automatically recon_guring or changing the shape of a modular self-recon_gurable robot (MSR) when it cannot continue its motion or task in its current shape. To solve the modular robot recon_guration problem, we propose a novel technique based on a branch of economics called coalition game theory, which is used by people to divide themselves into teams or coalitions. The conventional computer algorithm used for forming coalitions and _nding the best coalitions is very expensive to implement in terms of running time and energy (battery power) and not practical to implement on small-scale, modular robots. We have proposed a new, fast algorithm called searchUCSG that intelligently reduces the number of coalitions it needs to inspect and eventually _nds the best coalitions for the modules of the modular robot. Our proposed technique also incorporates an essential aspect of robotics- uncertainly in operation of the robots movements. We have veri_ed the operation of our algorithm mathematically as well as experimentally using a computer simulated model of a modular robot called ModRED that we are developing as part of the NASA-sponsored ModRED project. Experimental results of our algorithm show that it is able to recon_gure a modular robot while taking signi_cantly lesser time than other state-of-the-art algorithms and is able to form a con_guration that is very close or at worst 80% away from the best possible con_guration of the modules

    The COMRADE System for Multirobot Autonomous Landmine Detection in Postconflict Regions

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    We consider the problem of autonomous landmine detection using a team of mobile robots. Previous research on robotic landmine detection mostly employs a single robot equipped with a landmine detection sensor to detect landmines. We envisage that the quality of landmine detection can be significantly improved if multiple robots are coordinated to detect landmines in a cooperative manner by incrementally fusing the landmine-related sensor information they collect and then use that information to visit locations of potential landmines. Towards this objective, we describe a multirobot system called COMRADES to address different aspects of the autonomous landmine detection problem including distributed area coverage to detect and locate landmines, information aggregation to fuse the sensor information obtained by different robots, and multirobot task allocation (MRTA) to enable different robots to determine a suitable sequence to visit locations of potential landmines while reducing the time required and battery expended. We have used commercially available all-terrain robots called Coroware Explorer that are customized with a metal detector to detect metallic objects including landmines, as well as indoor Corobot robots, both in simulation and in physical experiments, to test the different techniques in COMRADES